Brews and Stews
This photo was captured with a Sony a6300.
This photo was captured with a Sony a6300.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter wouldn't be the same without the superfans. I spent about ten minutes watching these these guys. They were having the time of their life!
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
Pumpkin Juice or Butterbeer? I'll take the latter over the former any time. The rest of my family is in Team Pumpkin Juice.
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
No trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter would be complete without sitting down for a show from Tales of Beedle the Bard. In this case, we watched "The Tale of the Three Brothers." Pictured here is the third brother revealing himself from underneath his invisibility cloak.
Here's a video from the series if you have no idea what I'm talking about!
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
We completely missed Knockturn Alley on our first visit to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I read about it later and made sure it was on our itinerary on our next visit. It's such a cool concept and like everything else in Diagon Alley, really well executed.
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
The fire-breathing dragon that guards Gringott's Bank in Diagon Alley actually breathes fire! I'm sure it took a lot of convincing to get sign-off on giant balls of fire being sprayed out above the crowd but the end result is spectacular.
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.
We finally got to go into Hogwarts and ride "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey!" After getting through the disastrous locker room, complete with Universal employees screaming at customers to get out if they were done, things got much better. The walk through the line was like walking through a Harry Potter set and it made the wait go quickly. It even snowed on us in one room, which was really unexpected!
Speaking of unexpected, the ride wasn't what I had envisioned at all. I was expecting a traditional indoor roller coaster but this was a much more immersive experience. It also seemed to last longer than traditional roller coaster rides.
Needless to say, after getting through the only place in the entire park where we experienced a negative customer service experience, we had a great time!
The Fountain of Fair Fortune is named for a short story in "Tales of Beetle the Bard." It is the local pub of Diagon Alley. Not quite as relaxing as the Hog's Head Inn of Hogsmeade Village but you can get frozen Butterbeer as well as the two Wizarding World's "craft" beers, Dragon Scale and Wizard's Brew, so it'll do!
This photograph was captured with a Sony a6300.